Pender & Coward is encouraging CBDA member businesses to support Virginia Beach Court Appointed Advocates (CASA) for children through the Pinwheels for Prevention Campaign. Virginia Beach CASA raises awareness during National Child Abuse Prevention Month for CASA’s mission of advocating for child victims of abuse and neglect by asking businesses and individuals to purchase and display blue pinwheels throughout the city in April. In addition, CASA invites families to attend Pinwheel Palooza on April 9th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center.  Pinwheel Palooza includes fun kids’ activities featuring face painting, a petting zoo, crafts, a kids fitness challenge, free lunch and the dedication of CASA’s Pinwheel Garden of 3,000 pinwheels planted on the lawn of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court representing the number of children CASA has served. If you need more information or would like to participate in the Pinwheels for Prevention Campaign, visit or contact Mancha Stanton at Pender & Coward: or 490-6280.