The State of the City Town Center of Virginia Beach and Beyond
Jeanne Evans-Cox, Executive Director
Central Business District Association
The Sate of the City Town Center of Virginia Beach and Beyond
Guest Speakers VA. Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer and City Manager Patrick Duhaney
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA - The Central Business District Association, and Divaris Real Estate proudly present the annual State of The City Town Center of Virginia Beach and Beyond, Wednesday, January 8, 11:30 am., Westin Hotel Town Center, Virginia Beach.
Created by the Central Business District Association, the State of Town Center and Beyond presents the achievements, goals and future opportunities within the only “DOWNTOWN/UPTOWN” of Virginia Beach.
Mayor Bobby Dyer and City Manager Patrick Duhaney will review this successful economic development efforts and comprehensive planning approach that has and will continue to make this area the attractive place to work, live, and play.
For more details and ticket information, visit The State of the City | Town Center of Virginia Beach on Eventbrite.
About Virginia Beach Central Business District Association
CBDA serves as an advocate for its members and supports the growth and development of the business community within the Pembroke Strategic Growth Area. In doing so, it is recognized that advancements in policies and amenities within this urban core ultimately benefit the entire city and the region as a whole.
CBDA works with government, community, and business leaders in developing meaningful relationships to promote the area as a primary center for business that offers unique professional, retail, residential, cultural, and recreational opportunities. It provides a forum to identify and define issues of importance to its membership, including the attraction to, retention, and growth of businesses within the Pembroke Strategic Growth Area.
CBDA hosts a variety of informative and educational programs and events attended by prominent business, political, and community leaders. These events provide exceptional networking opportunities for members and bring together individuals and businesses with similar goals in support of the Pembroke SGA.
Visit www.cbda.net for more information.